Is this bad?

Ava's Birthday July, 16 2010

Ava got her first bad cold for her first birthday. She had a fever for 3 days and an upper respiratory infection which eventually caused her first ear infection the day after her birthday. We still made it to the Olive Garden for her birthday dinner where she enjoyed ice cream for the first time.

Ava's new chair
Opening her birthday gifts...

Ava and her new Teddy Ruxpin

Ava's Hippo Pool

These were taken when Ava was still only 11 months old. She is a big fan of the water, whether she is in a bath, in her hippo pool, on the boat, or at the beach.

Ava and Dad hanging out on the beach- July 7, 2010

Ava constructs an airport

Ava playing in the waves

Ava Post-Bday Party Videos

Ava attacks the camera

Ava tramples toys

Ava Vs. The Padres Mag

Beach Day- July 5, 2010

Ava's First Sand Castle

Playing at the Beach

Will and Mommy (Gillian)
Ava and Dad

Will at the Park

Blythe, Eric, & Will

July 4th Party at Rich & Linda's House

Destin in the far background...nice
Ava & Willem

The "Old Man" Face

Ava's 1st Birthday Party! July 4, 2010

The grillmaster
The Party

Amazing Luau Birthday Cake

Ava's own cake
The first bite
Mmm...this is pretty good...
anybody else want some?
That was clean me up
Birthday outfit numero dos

Tons of presents
Last one standing...or sitting in Ava's case

Ava's Baptism- July 4th, 2010

Ava trying to Baptize herself

Why is my hair wet?

For those that were not able to attend...

Another Epic Boat Day- July 3, 2010

The "XO" steering the EPIC ship

Will Flying the Thunderbird Kite
Will and Tiffany digging for gold

Hangin out on the 2nd day of July

Ava & Willem

Out for a stroll

Will breaking-in the 10-day old fire truck

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