Weekend Dress

Although Dad did homework almost all weekend, we found a few moments to go outside and take some pictures in Ava's new dress (compliments of Great Nanny and Bahpa!). And if anyone ever dared to think our life only consisted of smiling daisies, lollipops, a unicorns - you are sadly mistaken. See below. There was a lot of crying going on this weekend...


A few weeks back, Ava tried some avocado for the first time! She loved them. However, I realized I have a love hate relationship with avocados. I love love love guac, but hate hate hate scrubbing avocado stains out of baby clothes!

More Easter Pics!

I know I am slacking on the Blog! I have been trying to keep up, but, ugh! Too many things to get done! Here are some more Easter pics I didn't get around to posting. Enjoy!

Easter Egg Hunt

So the big Easter egg hunt was today. As Ava is not really mobile yet, Her and Dad found a good spot with a clump of eggs to sit and gather. There were tons of people! Including sneaky kids that like to steal eggs! We had a lot of fun!

Ava collected 7 eggs this year!

Creepy Easter bunny. Ava could care less.

There were LOTS of people!

If you are familiar with the 'If You Give A Mouse A Cookie Book' this is the mouse. Ava REALLY did not like this mouse. I thought it would be fun for her to get a picture with the mouse. As soon as he approached her, she started wailing! This picture was taken at the exact moment of approach! If you can't tell, the poor mouse has his hand over his mouth.

This picture was taken at the end of the day. I guess Ava figured she would no longer need her socks. By the time we had walked home, she had her sock off and it was slobbery.

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