Tanya (my former co-worker) and Dylan were down in the panhandle to visit last weekend. They both joined Jonathan, Jaim, Eric, and I for some fun out on the water. It was Dylan's first time on a boat and he did great. Although he was pretty quiet, he perked up towards the end of the afternoon and played in the water. We also were able to meet up with some of the other AFAA people she worked with. We had a great time. Dylan is growing up fast.
Jon and Jaime enjoyed some time behind the boat as well. It was Jaimes first time skiiing behind out boat, and our boats first time pulling a skiier! She was fun to watch.
Tanya and Dylan's trip (out on the boat with Jon and Jaime)
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Mexican Dinner
This is a little late, but I wanted to share the fantastic Mexican feast which was hosted by my good friend Jennifer. She made everything, down to frying up the taco shells. She treated a whole crowd of us to a great meal. We all hope there are more of these meals to come. Thanks Jen!
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Welcome Samantha and Gabriel!
Welcome to the world Samantha Annsley and Gabriel Michael Williams! They were born on August 19th (the day after Eric's B day - Ashley and Sean scheduled it to help them remember their children's B day). They are healthy and adorable! Eric and I have already speant some time with the proud parents and both babies. Sean and Ash are natural parents! It is as if they have had twins before! Watch out world, Samantha and Gabe are here! We love them!
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Lil Willem

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